Monday, June 22, 2015

The Crimes of Clara Turlington Cover, Poem in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Some Other Things

The Crimes of Clara Turlington is scheduled to be out before 2016! You can see the cover(!) and read more about it here.

Thanks to everyone at Vine Leaves Press! I love working with my editor Jessica Bell!

Vine Leaves Press may or may not have asked me to get a facebook account. I may or may not have created one. I'm better at remembering to post updates on this blog and also on here than other places. I communicate electronically the most with people through texting (lots of texting!) and email ( I need to get a new computer so my mind is on that right now.

The next issue of Dressing Room Poetry Journal will be out later this summer. Very excited about the issue!

I have a poem in the new issue of Tinderbox Poetry Journal. You can read it here. I believe the issue just came out today. Thanks to the editors! The poem (and the bio) are from this past winter. I wrote the poem after becoming friends with more people from California this past year. I thought about how much the midwest is part of my identity and how midwestern winters can be brutal even when you are used to them.

This poem might go into my third manuscript. I'm writing new poems, but the third full length manuscript is way in the future. Like, it will be The Jetsons era before it's finished. Or at least that's how it feels.